Getting Your 'LifeLot' Organised For The New Year!

18th January 2018

Written by Selina Allen

Ahhh, a fresh new really is the perfect time to take some simple steps to make our lives easier and minimise our day-to-day stresses.

If you're anything like me, there are never enough hours in the day to get what needs doing done! Between work, family commitments, housework, grocery shopping, paying bills, after school activities...the list goes on, life is BUSY! 

In this day and age, there are so many different apps, websites and devices that you can use to keep a track of your important reminders. It can be quite overwhelming trying to remember what you have recorded and where, so it's a good idea to go over your 'important stuff' regularly -

a) so you know exactly where it is, and

b) to make sure it is up to date. 

image: writing in diary at computer with journals and coffee

LifeLot endeavours to help YOU with the organisation aspect of life - from finances to photographs, ID's to insurance poilicies, documents to dreams! 

We thought it would be beneficial to write a list, (who doesn't LOVE a good list?) to help you feel a little more organised and in control of the most important parts to life.  There are plenty of other areas of life that can be reviewed, a good idea is to go through your LifeLot account section by section and make sure everything there is correct.

In the meantime, see what you can do from this list - 

1. Go over your finances and budget, making sure it is still correct for your current situation.

Make adjustments where necessary. If you don't already have a budget, we have a budget worksheet to help you create one and upload to your account. (For LifeLot members).

2. Check your legal matters!

Do you have a Will? Do you need to make any alterations to it? Do it immediately, before you get busy and forget....things can happen so quickly and it's important to be as prepared as we can be. If any of your final wishes have changed, don't forget to update this section in your LifeLot account. Are your Powers of Attorney still valid?

3. Don't have a Will?

LifeLot members can use our Will Template Form to easily start creating your Will, and have access to special rates when using one of our preferred lawyers. 

4. Check your Bucket List.

Can you cross anything off it, or add anything to it? Make 2018 your year to get some lifelong dreams achieved!

5. Upload your special photographs!

It's so quick and easy to take a photo, but how many of us actually take the time to sort through them and keep our favourites somewhere secure? Upload your most treasured memories in your 'My Wishes' section of your LifeLot account. 

6. Update your Family Tree.

Perhaps you've had new family members arrive or depart recently, check that you have updated your family tree accordingly. 

7. Change your passwords!

For security reasons, now would also be a good time to change your passwords for your online accounts. LifeLot members make sure you also update these in 'My Digital'.

8. De-clutter!

When our home (or work) environment is a cluttered mess, this can negatively impact our feelings of being organised. If it seems like too huge a task to take on, start with one room/drawer/cupboard at a time. Donate what you can and throw out the rest. You'll be amazed at how good it feels! 

9. Record important dates.

Take some time to sit down and make a note on your Calendar/Diary/LifeLot Account all of the important dates you know of. For example think about -

* birthdays to remember
* anniversaries to remember
* pets and vets reminders

* appointments booked

* vehicle registration/WOF/servicing due dates

* property rates due

* insurance premiums due

* subscription & membership renewals

10. Plan as much as possible in advance.

Give yourself plenty of time to get things done so you don't feel rushed and stress out even more!

Plan out the week's meals and create your shopping list around them. You will likely save both time and money at the supermarket. Start planning for next Christmas now, buy gifts as you see them on special and find a good hiding spot for them! Consider putting a few dollars aside each week just for special treats. 

Stock up on various greeting cards and wrapping papers etc. so you aren't ever caught short. 

11. Health and Medical records.

Check that these are all up to date. If there have been any changes to your personal health or health professional, make sure these have been recorded. Make a note of any upcoming appointments that you know about. 

12. Do you have an ACP?

Another thing to seriously think about is completing your Advance Care Plan. Whether or not you are in perfect health or not, this is an important document to have in the event of accident or sudden illness. 

There is SO much to life that we could go on but hopefully this will start your thinking process on what areas you might want to get more organised in. Don't feel you have to get everything done in one day, just work through section by section at your own pace, after all; this exercise is about getting on top of things and minimising stress! 


Read previous informative and interesting Blog Posts from LifeLot

I've got your back!Why It’s Important To Organise And Share All This Stuff With Someone

Life is full of twists and turns. Planning and gathering together all these jigsaw pieces now will relieve a lot of stress later. Whether you’re recovering from surgery, involved in an accident, or embarking on the one adventure every human must eventually take into the great beyond. This info will come in handy for you in every day life, your family and loved ones. By organising and sharing the location of all these things you’re helping yourself to become more efficient,  engaged in your life and your family can easily take over if needed.


It's simple to set up, free to try, and it can make a world of difference for your family if something happens to you.