How Can An Audiologist Help You?

16th August 2018

Bay Audiology

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woman holding her hands over her ears and laughing

What is an Audiologist?

Audiologists are allied health care professionals who work to evaluate, diagnose, treat and manage hearing loss, tinnitus and balance disorders. Audiologists are knowledgeable on all aspects of hearing loss, the auditory system and the products available on the market. They strive to provide personalised solutions and mitigate any hearing loss symptoms. To become an audiologist, one has to complete a masters degree in Audiology.

What does an Audiologist do?

Diagnose Hearing Loss & Fit Hearing Aids

Finding the perfect hearing aid can be tricky, so audiologists acquire the skill and know-how to administer the right kind of hearing aid to maximise your hearing potential. Audiologists work with patients of all ages to determine the cause of hearing loss and prescribe hearing aids if necessary. Audiologists can provide ongoing support, regardless of the severity of the hearing loss and create personalised solutions to manage hearing loss symptoms. Audiologists also provide education to their patients about the auditory system to allow them to gain a comprehensive understanding of their diagnosis. Once the hearing aid has been prescribed, the audiologist will help with the fitting, management and maintenance of your hearing aid.

The average time it takes for someone to seek treatment after they first notice they have a hearing loss is seven years. When hearing loss goes untreated for a while, it can continue to deteriorate and affect different aspects of everyday life.

Help Manage Tinnitus

Tinnitus is commonly mistaken as a condition, when in reality, it can be a symptom of underlying hearing loss. Therefore, if you are experiencing any ringing or buzzing in the ears, it is essential that you visit your local audiologist for a hearing test.

Perform Ear Wax Removal

You should never use cotton swabs or attempt to disrupt your ear canal with any cleaning techniques, however sometimes, the wax in our inner ear can build up too much and will need to be released. If you are experiencing an irritation, itching, fullness or blocked ear feeling, you may need to contact an audiologist.

Diagnose Balance Disorders

Our inner ears are comprised of three loops, which contain hair cells and fluid to help indicate our space and contact within the environment. Each loop detects a different type of movement. One loop detects up-down movements, the other detects side-to-side movements, and the third loop senses tilting movements. Sometimes when this inner ear balance is disturbed it can cause dizziness and balance problems. Audiologists are able to conduct testing to determine the cause of inner ear imbalance.

Administer Hearing Tests

There are a number of hearing tests audiologists may perform to test your hearing. The most common form is an audiology assessment, where the patient will respond to a variety of noises at different pitches to be translated into an audiogram. This audiology assessment looks at both Air Conduction and Bone Conduction testing as it examines possible causes of hearing loss. Other methods of testing include Otoscopy which involves examining the physical structure of the ear canal and Speech Audiometry which looks at your ability to process speech, an integral step to understanding your symptoms of hearing loss.

If you are concerned about your hearing health, visit a friendly audiologist. They will be able to provide you with expert advice and provide actionable solutions to improve your hearing.

source: Information provided by Bay Audiology

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Related: Health and Medical | Aging | Wellbeing


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